2N2907 vs 2N2222 and 2N2907 vs 2N3906

2N2907 vs 2N2222 and 2N2907 vs 2N3906

Whenever you search for 2N2907, Google will suggest that 2N2907 vs 2N2222 and 2N2907 vs 2N3906 are popular searches.

2N2907 vs 2N2222

2N2907 is PNP complementary of 2N2222 NPN transistor in a TO-18 package. Wiki

2N2907 vs 2N3906

2N2907 and 2N3906 are both PNP general-purpose transistors and are very similar in electrical specifications except the Ic current rating.

  • 2N2907 can handle 600-800mA Ic while
  • 2N3906 is just 200mA.

The history and the true difference of 2N2907 vs 2N3906

2N2907 is in a TO-18 metal package while 2N3906 is in a TO-92 plastic package.

The fundamental difference is the power handling or current (Ic) handling due to different package used. Power Dissipation, Pd = V x I = Vce(sat) x Ic

  • TO-18 package has Pd of 1.8 W at 25 deg.C (Tc) while
  • TO-92 package has Pd of 1.5 W at 25 deg.C (Tc)

2N2907 was designed to handling higher current, but at the manufacturing cost of a TO-92 plastic package is much cheaper.

PN2907 was developed to replace 2N2907 and with the specification of 600-800mA depending on vendors.

As said before, the current handling is highly depending on the package itself, theoretically, 2N3906 should be able to handle at least 600mA Ic.


As the demand for 2N2907 (TO-18) has dropped significantly or the suppliers don’t want to make it anymore.

Some suppliers simply supply a 2N2907 (TO-92 package) as 2N2907 instead of PN2907.

The author was the global business manager of the Discrete division of National Semiconductor in Silicon Valley in the late ’80s.

You can now buy 2N2907 in a TO-92 package on the 1N4148.com site.

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